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Project Planning

How to plan a project

Check Your Understanding

  1. What main topic does this video address?
    1. How to build a car out of bricks
    2. How to write the most efficient program code
    3. How a robot "thinks" about its surroundings
    4. How to coordinate a team of people working together on the same problem
  2. What does a design specification do?
    1. Explain the importance of the problem being solved
    2. Align team members' ideas of what is being built
    3. Distribute the work evenly among team members
    4. Keep track of the days that people have shown up to work on the robot
  3. Which of the following can help your team finish its task on time?
    1. Assigning clear responsibility for each part to a specific team member
    2. Working separately until the day the project is due
    3. Prioritizing parts that need to be finished before other parts can be worked on
    4. Only A and C

ClosedClick here for the Answers

D. How to coordinate a team of people working together on the same problem

B. Align team members' ideas of what is being built

D. Only A and C

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